Page 86 - Katalog Penerbit UPM
P. 86
Bil Tajuk Buku Tahun ISBN Harga Bidang
154 Halal Haram dalam Kepenggunaan Islam Semasa 2011 978-967-344-268-3 46.00 Islamik
155 Handbook of Asian Sovereign Bond Markets 2013 978-967-344-333-8 70.00 Ekonomi & Perniagaan
156 Handbook of Bone Engineering 2011 978-967-344-243-0 22.00 Kejuruteraan
157 Handbook of Investable World Bond Markets Yield & Risk Analysis 2016 978-967-344-501-1 60.00 Ekonomi & Perniagaan
158 Hang Tuah Catatan Okinawa (Kulit Keras) 2015 978-967-344-478-6 78.00 Umum
159 Hang Tuah Catatan Okinawa (Kulit Lembut) 2015 978-967-344-477-9 58.00 Umum
160 Hang Tuah Catatan Vijayanagara 2017 978-967-344-706-0 54.00 Umum
161 Hang Tuah dari Perspektif Sejarah 2017 978-967-344-593-6 58.00 Umum
162 Hassan Ahmad Wira Bahasa yang Berwibawa 2015 978-967-344-463-2 78.00 Memoir
163 Hati Budi Melayu 2008 967-5026-47-8 35.00 Bahasa & Sastera
164 Healthier and Testier 2019 978-967-344-998-9 54.00 Sains Makanan
165 Herbs & Processing 2015 978-967-344-454-0 25.00 Pertanian
166 Highway Material: A Guide Book for Beginners 2001 983-2373-08-5 20.00 Kejuruteraan
167 Hot Gas Cleaning Particle Removal & Desulphurisation 2010 978-967-344-138-9 35.00 Alam Sekitar
168 Human Capital Development Issues in Malaysia 2012 978 967-3442-92-8 52.00 Umum
169 Human Resource Developments in Malaysia: Youth and Adult Strategic 2019 978-967-2395-02-7 Umum
170 Humic Substances and Urea 2014 978-967-344-406-9 45.00 Pertanian
171 Ilmu Diplomatik Melayu dalam Kesusasteraan Melayu Tradisional 2018 978-967-344-745-9 58.00 Bahasa & Sastera
78 172 Improving Phosphorus Availability for Plant Uptake in Tropical Acid Soils 2015 978-967-344-503-5 60.00 Pertanian
173 Industrial Relations Compensation Process & Practice in Malaysia 2014 978-967-344-432-8 40.00 Pengurusan
174 Industrial Relations Constructive Dismissal 2013 978-967-344-376-5 30.00 Pengurusan
175 Industrial Relations Constructive Dismissal A Technical Approach (Second 2019 978-967-344-931-6 48.00 Pengurusan
176 Industrial Relations Investigation Prosecution & Domestic Inquiry (second 2015 978-967-344-513-4 42.00 Pengurusan
177 Industrialised Building Systems 2004 983-2871-67-0 40.00 Kejuruteraan
178 Integrating Ecology into Rodent Pest Management in Oil Palm 2013 978-967-344-313-0 48.00 Perhutanan
179 Interactively Speaking 1998 983-9319-43-4 24.00 Bahasa & Sastera
180 Interaksi Sosial dalam Penyampaian Cerita Rakyat Melayu 2014 978-967-344-416-8 30.00 Bahasa & Sastera
181 Into the Fire 2019 978-967-344-879-1 128.00 Buku Mewah
182 Introduction to Algebra 2017 978-967-344-687-2 75.00 Matematik
183 Introduction to Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry 2017 978-967-344-741-1 32.00 Perubatan & Kesihatan
184 Introduction to Occupational Health A Workbook 2019 978-967-344-972-9 30.00 Perubatan & Kesihatan
185 Introductory Forest Science 2014 978-967-344-391-8 64.00 Perhutanan
186 Introductory Medical Physiology Body Fluids 2018 978-967-344-859-3 47.00 Perubatan & Kesihatan
187 Introductory Medical Physiology Cell Cycle, Cell Division & Cancer 2018 978-967-344-857-9 50.00 Perubatan & Kesihatan
188 Introductory Medical Physiology Cells & Medical Sciences 2018 978-967-344-855-5 47.00 Perubatan & Kesihatan
189 Introductory Medical Physiology Intercellular Communication in Medical 2018 978-967-344-858-6 50.00 Perubatan & Kesihatan
190 Introductory Medical Physiology Membrane Potentials of Excitable 2018 978-967-344-899-9 45.00 Perubatan & Kesihatan
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