Page 84 - Katalog Penerbit UPM
P. 84
Bil Tajuk Buku Tahun ISBN Harga Bidang
74 Career Development Advancing Perspective and Practice 2008 967-5026-45-4 30.00 Umum
75 Celik Kata Ganti Nama Diri 2018 978-967-344-848-7 22.00 Pendidikan
76 Cendekiawan Bahasa Melayu dalam Tradisi Kerajaan Barat 2010 978-967-344-132-7 68.00 Bahasa & Sastera
77 Cerdik Kata Arah 2018 978-967-344-865-4 16.00 Pendidikan
78 Checklist of The Parasites of Fishes of Malaysia 2015 978-967-344-395-6 65.00 Akuakultur
79 Checklist of The Parasites of Fishes of Singapore 2016 978-967-344-537-0 39.00 Akuakultur
80 Cigarette Demand in Malaysia 2012 978-967-344-316-1 25.00 Umum
81 Ciri-ciri Bahasa Arab Fonetik, Morfologi & Sintaksis Edisi Kedua 2016 978-967-344-476-2 30.00 Bahasa & Sastera
82 Citrus Huanglongbing Disease 2015 978-967-344-475-5 48.00 Pertanian
83 Classroom Practices in ESL & EFL Contexts Insider Perspectives 2011 978-967-344-192-1 40.00 Pendidikan
84 Coaching Athletes with Disabilities 2012 978-967-344-278-2 32.00 Umum
85 Colors of Kota Marudu 2012 978-967-344-281-2 180.00 Buku Mewah
86 Common Malaysia Spiders 2015 978-967-344-455-7 45.00 Perhutanan
87 Communication Issues & Challenges for Development 2009 978-967-344-049-8 42.00 Komunikasi
88 Communicative Tamil 2010 978-967-344-088-7 28.00 Bahasa & Sastera
89 Community Based Management and Sustainable Livelihood 2010 978-967-344-185-3 30.00 Pengurusan
90 Competencies Needed by Entrepreneurs: Implications for Best Practices 2008 978-967-5026-60-7 35.00 Pendidikan
91 Competencies Needed by Teachers 2005 983-3455-04-2 25.00 Pendidikan
92 Contemporary Islamic Architecture 2014 978-967-344-401-4 56.00 Reka Bentuk & Seni Bina
76 93 Convergence in the Asia Pacific 2015 978-967-344-508-0 52.00 Pengurusan
94 Creative and Critical Thinking Styles 2004 983-2871-47-6 20.00 Umum
95 Crises of Common Humanity 2015 978-967-344-496-0 55.00 Pendidikan
96 Critical Literacy and Self-Identity 2019 978-967-344-937-8 55.00 Bahasa & Sastera
97 Cyberjaya Here We Come 2017 978-967-344-735-0 42.00 Umum
98 Daripada Tesis kepada Buku 2011 978-967-344-235-5 38.00 Umum
99 Dato’ Dr.Hassan Ahmad Cendiakawan Melayu Terulung 2013 978-967-344-330-7 120.00 Memoir
100 Designing & Facilitating Adults Learning 2002 983-2373-40-9 20.00 Pendidikan
101 Development of Small Tourism Enterprises in the Peripheral State of 2010 978-967-344-140-2 54.00 Pengurusan
102 Developments in Teaching of Literature in English 2004 983-2871-72-7 20.00 Pendidikan
103 Dihydroxystearic ACID Purification, Derivatives & Applications 2018 978-967-344-833-3 38.00 Alam Sekitar
104 Dimensions at Communication Malaysian Experience 2009 967-5026-32-4 65.00 Komunikasi
105 Dinamika Kendiri Remaja 2014 978-967-344-377-2 32.00 Pendidikan
106 Direktori Bunga Wangi 2010 978-967-344-135-8 60.00 Pertanian
107 Disaster Management Lessons from Man-made Disasters 2017 978-967-344-686-5 65.00 Kejuruteraan
108 Discovering 100 Birds of Universiti Putra Malaysia 2017 978-967-344-681-0 189.00 Perhutanan
109 Discovering The Wonders of Malaysian Orchids Unveiling Vanilla 2019 978-967-344-923-1 50.00 Perhutanan
110 Doctoral Education in International Context 2011 978-967-344-254-6 50.00 Penyelidikan
111 Early Financial Education for Children 2019 978-967-344-949-1 59.90 Umum
112 Economic Valuation of Marine Parks Ecotourism Malaysia 2008 978-967-344-028-3 50.00 Ekonomi & Perniagaan
113 Educating University & College Peers on HIV/AIDS Prevention 2013 978-967-344-349-9 25.00 Perubatan & Kesihatan